Course introduction

Video 1 of 49
2 min 36 sec
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Welcome to the Forestry First Aid Refresher Online Course

This course is tailored for first aiders in forestry, ideal for those who have completed the EFAW and FAW forestry courses. It fulfils the HSE's recommendation for an annual first aid refresher without the need for a practical course. For a practical session, please contact us.

Course Structure

Engage in a series of instructional videos, answer knowledge review questions, and complete a short test. The course is flexible, allowing you to start, stop, and resume as needed, with the option to revisit any video.

Device Compatibility

Access the course on various devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets. Videos can be pinned for convenient viewing alongside course text.

Subtitles and Additional Support

Subtitles are available via the CC icon, and extra help is offered for any initial incorrect answers to questions.

Certification and Resources

Upon passing, receive a completion certificate, a CPD statement, and an evidence-based learning statement, all printable with a QR code for validation.

Course Updates and Access Duration

Regular updates are made to the course, with materials accessible for eight months post-registration, even after test completion.

Corporate Solutions and Support

We offer free company dashboards for staff training. Contact us for more information on our corporate solutions via email, phone, or online chat.

Weekly Skill Refreshers

Receive weekly emails to update skills and inform about new course videos and blog news. Subscription to these emails is optional.

Additional Products

Alongside our training, we offer a wide range of first aid medical products.


Thank you for choosing ProTrainings for your Forestry First Aid Refresher Course. We hope you find the course both informative and enjoyable. Good luck!