Treating Snake Bites
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Dealing with Adder Bites: First Aid and Precautions
Understanding Adder Bites in the UK
Learn about the unique characteristics of Adder bites and snake encounters in the UK.
The Only Poisonous Snake in the UK
Identifying the sole poisonous snake, the Adder, found in the UK.
Snake Behaviour
Exploring snake behaviour and their typical avoidance of humans and dogs.
- Threat-Induced Bites: Understanding when and why Adders may bite, such as when threatened during outdoor activities.
- Bite Incidence: Recognizing the times and body areas where Adder bites are most common.
- Leave Dead Snakes Alone: Highlighting the risk of a bite reflex even in deceased snakes.
Encounters in Outdoor Pursuits
Staying cautious during outdoor activities that may bring you into contact with snakes.
Responding to an Adder Bite
Immediate actions to take and what to expect after an Adder bite:
Bite Progression
Understanding the stages and symptoms after an Adder bite:
- Initial Reaction: Early symptoms resembling a wasp sting.
- Rapid Worsening: The escalation of symptoms, potentially hindering mobility.
- Severe Symptoms: Dizziness, chest pain, vomiting, breathing difficulties, and more.
- Anaphylactic Reaction: The body's response to the poison, including swollen tongue and throat.
Seeking Immediate Medical Attention
Crucial steps to take after an Adder bite:
- Identify the Snake: If safe, note the snake's appearance or take a picture for accurate treatment.
- Activate Emergency Services: Immediate action to ensure proper medical care.
- Time and Observation: Note the time of the bite and monitor swelling progression.
- Pain Relief: Use paracetamol, avoiding ibuprofen due to potential bleeding and clotting issues.
- Limb Immobilization: Splinting the affected limb to minimize poison spread.
- Swelling Tracking: Mark the swelling's edge and record time for monitoring.
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